


Suffix is a syllable which is added after a word to qualify that word or to form a new word.

A. Noun Suffixes

1_Formation of Abstract Noun denoting quality, condition, function, system of consideration and so on:

-age            : Baggage, Bondage, Foliage, Mileage, Pilgrimage, etc.

-ance, -ence : Abundance, Brilliance, Innocence, Observance, etc.

-cy,  -sy       : Aristocracy, Democracy, Lunacy, Phantasy, etc.

-dom           : Boredom, Freedom, Kingdom, Martyrdom, Wisdom, etc.

-hood          : Brotherhood, Childhood, Manhood, Neighbourhood, etc.

-ing             : Reading, Speaking, Writing, etc.

-ion             : Action, Expression, Oration, Radiation, Tension, etc.

-ice              : Avarice, Cowardice, Practice, Service, etc.

-ism            : Capitalism, Patriotism, Socialism, etc.

-ment          : Astonishment, Enchantment, Management, Punishment, etc.

-mony         : Acrimony, Ceremony, Harmony, Matrimony, etc.

-ness           : Boldness, Darkness, Calmness, Openness, etc.

-red             : Hatred, Kindred, etc.

-ship           : Friendship, Hardship, Lectureship, Lordship, etc.

-th               : Birth, Depth, Death, Health, Wealth, Width, etc.

-tude           : Fortitude, Latitude, Longitude, Magnitude, etc.

-ty               : Cruelty, Dignity, Loyalty, Priority, Reality, etc.

-ure, -eur, -our: Culture, Grandeur, Honour, Stature, Tenure, etc.

-y                : Envy, Gluttony, Memory, Remedy, Study, Villainy, etc.

2_ Formation of concrete noun denoting a person, intermediary and so on:

-ard            : Coward, Drunkard, Dullard, Niggard, Sluggard, etc.

-ate, -ee, -ey, -y: Advocate, Absentee, Attorney, Curate, Examinee, Jury, Magnate, etc.

-er, -or, -ar, -eer, -ier, -ary: Beggar, Dignitary, Financier, Operator, Mountaineer, Pamphleteer, Secretary, Speaker, Sailor, Payer, etc.

-ain, -an, -en, -on: Captain, Chieftain, Citizen, Deacon, Librarian, Pagan, Sexton, Villain, Warden, etc.

-ist, -ast       : Dentist, Enthusiast, Novelist,  Scientist, etc.

-ster            : Spinster, Songster, Trickster, Youngster, etc.

-monger     : Fish-monger, Iron-monger, Rumour-monger, War-monger, etc.

-wright       : Cart-wright, Playwright, Wheelwright, etc.

3_Formation of diminutives:

-let              : Booklet, Owlet, Pamphlet, Rivulet, Streamlet, etc.

-ling            : Darling, Duckling, Stripling, Weakling, etc.

-el, -le, -ule, -cel, -sel, -cle: Chronicle, Corpuscle, Damsel, Globule, Granule, Parcel, Particle, etc.

-erel            : Cockerel, Mongerel, Pickerel, etc.

-en              : Chicken, Kitten, Maiden, etc.

-et, -ette      : Coronet, Cigarette, Kitchenette, Packet, etc.

-ock            : Hillock, Bullock, Paddock, etc.

-y, -ie          : Birdie, Daddy, Girlie, Mummy, Puppy, etc.

4_More noun suffixes:

-ade            : Brigade, Blockade, Barricade, Crusade, Cascade, etc.

-al               : Arrival, Capital, Denial, Proposal, Survival, etc.

-ant             : Descendant, Merchant, Giant, Tenant, etc.

-ary, -ery, -ory, -ry: Aviary, Dispensary, Dormitory, Dowry, Nunnery, Monastery, Pantry, Salary, Vestry, etc.

-ic, -ique     : Critic, Critique, Lunatic, Logic, Physic, Physique, etc.

B. Adjective Suffixes

-al               : National, Loyal, Parochial, Provincial, Royal, etc.

-ar              : Circular, Lunar, Nuclear, Stellar, Solar, etc.

-ary            : Arbitrary, Contrary, Honorary, Necessary, etc.

-ant, -ent    : Brilliant, Magnificent, Obedient, Radiant, etc.

-able, -ible, -ble, -bile: Audible, Lovable, Mobile, Practicable, Visible, etc.

-ed              : Bearded, Deserted, Learned, Moneyed, etc.

-en              : Drunken, Forbidden, Frozen, Molten, etc.

-en              : Brazen, Earthen, Golden, Wooden, etc.

-esque         : Grotesque, Picturesque, Statuesque, etc.

-ful              : Fearful, Hopeful, Tearful, Playful, Wilful, etc.

-ic, -ique   : Aquatic, Antique, Public, Patriotic, Rustic, Supersonic, Telegraphic, Unique, etc.

-ine             : Alpine, Divine, Feminine, Feline, Masculine, etc.

-ish, -sh       : Amateurish, Boorish, Bookish, Bluish, Foolish, Greenish, Peevish, Stylish, Slavish, etc.

-ive             : Active, Deceptive, Massive, Progressive, Possessive, Talkative, etc.

-lent            : Corpulent, Turbulent, Violent, Virulent, etc.

-less             : Fearless, Lawless, Meaningless, Senseless, etc.

-ly               : Beastly, Cowardly, Friendly, Kindly, Manly, etc.

-ory            : Illusory, Introductory, Migratory, Prefatory, etc.

-ous            : Curious, Dangerous, Glorious, Murderous, etc.

-some    : Fulsome, Gladsome, Meddlesome, Noisome, Tiresome, Winsome, Wearisome, Wholesome, etc.

-ward         : Backward, Forward, Homeward, Heavenward, etc.

-y                : Greedy, Healthy, Wealthy, Weary, etc.

C. Verb Suffixes

-ate, -ite   : Designate, Expedite, Excite, Invite, Mediate, Nominate, Requisite, Venerate, etc.

-en              : Broaden, Brighten, Fatten, Lighten, Strengthen, etc.

-fy               : Beautify, Falsify, Pacify, Simplify, Testify, etc.

-ise, -ize    : Equalize, Generalize, Liberalize, Memorise, Nationalize, Patronize, Sympathize, etc.

D. Adverb Suffixes 

-ly               : Ably, Amazingly, Beautifully, Devotedly, Lovingly, Mistakenly, Weekly, etc.

-ce               : Once, Twice, Thrice, etc.

-st               : Amidst, Amongst, etc.

-ther           : Hither, Thither, Whither, etc.

-ward         : Backward, Forward, Onward, Upward, etc.


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