

Noun is a word used to name a person, place, thing or an event.

Nouns are classified into two main categories in English: -

A_Concrete Nouns: - These are the names of persons and things that can be seen or touched. They have physical existence; as: Delhi, city, Manipur, table, water, crowd, gold,………..etc.

Concrete nouns can be divided into the following classes: -

(1) _Common Nouns



A class of objects as opposed to a particular individual e.g. Boy, king, river, star, tree, cow, book, man…………… etc.

(2) _Collective Nouns



A name for a collection or a number of people or things e.g. Crowd, family, army, herd, team, flock……………... etc.

(3) _Material Nouns



material or substance from which things are made e.g. Gold, silver, wood, iron, cotton, wool……………… etc.

(4) _Proper Nouns



A name used for an individual person, place, or organization, spelled with an initial capital letter e.g. India, Everest, the Ganges, Europe, Punjab, Ashoka……etc.

B_Abstract Nouns: - These are the names of things that can be thought of but cannot be seen or touched; as: life, death, youth, north, pleasure, length, beauty, weather,………..etc.


a_The things that are possible to count are called countable nouns; as: - books, men, pens, trees, houses, grapes, peaches, towns, rivers, cities,………... etc.

b_The things that are impossible to count are called uncountable nouns. They have no plural form; as: - sugar, milk, dust, smoke, gold, cloth, rice, coffee, tea, ink, music, air, wool, money, water, wisdom, health,………... etc.

c_Abstract nouns are mainly uncountable nouns whereas concrete nouns are mainly countable nouns.

d_Generally, countable nouns are in plural form. They can be used with one, two, few (a few), many, several etc. as:- two mice, a few houses, many trees, several grocers.

e_Uncountable nouns cannot be used with such words. But they can be used with little (a little) and much; as:-

Much (gold, sugar, dirt), little (gold, sugar, dirt),

A little (gold, sugar, dirt), a large amount of (gold, sugar, dirt),

A great deal of (gold, sugar, dirt), a small quantity of (gold, sugar, dirt).


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