


Phone :- The produced real sound, like vowel sound or consonant sound, is called phone. It is a common vowel or consonant sound.

Phonetics :- It is the fundamental branch of Linguistics (from Greek word phone = sound/voice). It has its own three different aspects :

1. Articulatory Phonetics — It describes how vowels and consonants are produced or pronounced in different part of mouth and throat.

2. Acoustic Phonetics — It is the study of how speech sounds are transmitted when they travel from the mouth of speaker to the ears of the listener. It, thus, acts in the form of vibrations in the air.

3. Auditory Phonetics — It is the study of how speech sounds are perceived, it observes the method in which the mind of the listener decodes the sounds waves into vowels and consonants that the speaker originally intends.

Phonology :- It is another branch of Linguistics closely related to phonetics. It is a link between phonetics and all other Linguistics. It deals the way as speech sounds generally do in a specific language or languages. It is focused on the way by which languages use the differences in sounds to explain the differences in meanings in words.

Phoneme :- All principles of phonology admit that the spoken language can be exhibited in a sequence of sound units, which are called phoneme. A phoneme is the smallest distinctive unit sound of a language. It distinguishes a word from another in a given language. It means that a change in phoneme in a word, breeds another word, that has a different meaning. In pairs of words (minimal pairs) 'cat' and 'bat', the differentiating sounds /c/ and /b/ are both phonemes. Phoneme is an abstract term and it is specific for a specific language.



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