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1_A noun is called singular when it refers to a single person
or thing; as: - man, boy, girl, cow, knife, table, book, chair,………... etc.
2_A noun is called plural when it refers to more than one
person or thing; as: - men, girls, cows, knives, tables, books, chairs,………...
‘s’ is pronounced as ‘s’ after voiceless consonant and as
‘z’ after voiced consonant or vowel. |
2 |
‘-es’ is pronounced as ‘-iz’ after
hissing sound. |
The plural of nouns is made in the following way:
A_The Plural of Nouns is usually formed
by adding ‘-s’ to the Singular; as:-
Singular |
Plural |
Singular |
Plural |
Blow |
Blows |
Map |
Maps |
Fritter |
Fritters |
Rissole |
Rissoles |
Garden |
Gardens |
Star |
Stars |
Hand |
Hands |
Stick |
Sticks |
House |
Houses |
Stone |
Stones |
B_Nouns that usually end in ch(soft), s, sh,
x or z, the plural of nouns is formed by adding ‘-es’ to the singular; as:-
Singular |
Plural |
Singular |
Plural |
Bench |
Benches |
Gas |
Gases |
Box |
Boxes |
Glass |
Glasses |
Brush |
Brushes |
Loss |
Losses |
Coach |
Coaches |
Tax |
Taxes |
Dish |
Dishes |
Topaz |
Topazes |
C_Nouns ending in y, preceded by a
consonant, y is replaced with ‘–ies’; as:-
Singular |
Plural |
Singular |
Plural |
Army |
Armies |
Fly |
Flies |
Baby |
Babies |
Lady |
Ladies |
City |
Cities |
Pony |
Ponies |
Duty |
Duties |
Story |
Stories |
D_But if final y is preceded by a vowel (as
in ay, ey or oy), the plural of nouns is formed by adding ‘-s’ to the singular;
Singular |
Plural |
Singular |
Plural |
Boy |
Boys |
Play |
Plays |
Chimney |
Chimneys |
Ray |
Rays |
Day |
Days |
Storey |
Storeys |
Journey |
Journeys |
Toy |
Toys |
Key |
Keys |
Valley |
Valleys |
nouns ending in ‘quy’ form the plural in ‘ies’; as:- Soliloquy -soliloquies
F_Nouns ending in o, and
preceded by a consonant, the plural of nouns is formed by adding ‘-es’ to the
singular; as:-
Singular |
Plural |
Singular |
Plural |
Buffalo |
Buffaloes |
Mosquito |
Mosquitoes |
Calico |
Calicoes |
Motto |
Mottoes |
Cargo |
Cargoes |
Negro |
Negroes |
Echo |
Echoes |
Potato |
Potatoes |
Hero |
Heroes |
Torpedo |
Torpedoes |
Mango |
Mangoes |
Volcano |
Volcanoes |
G_But all nouns ending in oo, io, eo or yo,
and some words ending in o preceded by a consonant, the plural of nouns is
formed by adding ‘-s’ to the singular; as:-
Singular |
Plural |
Singular |
Plural |
Bamboo |
Bamboos |
Cuckoo |
Cuckoos |
Cameo |
Cameos |
Piano |
Pianos |
Curio |
Curios |
Portfolio |
Portfolios |
Dynamo |
Dynamos |
Quarto |
Quartos |
Photo |
Photos |
Studio |
Studios |
usually ending in f or fe, the plural of nouns is formed by replacing f or fe
with ‘-ves’ to the singular; as:-
Singular |
Plural |
Singular |
Plural |
Calf |
Calves |
Loaf |
Loaves |
Elf |
Elves |
Sheaf |
Sheaves |
Half |
Halves |
Shelf |
Shelves |
Knife |
Knives |
Thief |
Thieves |
Leaf |
Leaves |
Wife |
Wives |
Life |
Lives |
Wolf |
Wolves |
I_But nouns ending in ff, eef, oof, ief or rf, and some words
ending in f, the plural of nouns is formed by adding ‘-s’ to the singular; as:-
Singular |
Plural |
Singular |
Plural |
Belief |
Beliefs |
Proof |
Proofs |
Chief |
Chiefs |
Puff |
Puffs |
Cliff |
Cliffs |
Reef |
Reefs |
Dwarf |
Dwarfs |
Roof |
Roofs |
Grief |
Griefs |
Scarf |
Scarfs |
Gulf |
Gulfs |
Staff |
Staffs |
Hoof |
Hoofs |
Stuff |
Stuffs |
Wharf |
Wharfs |
Turf |
Turfs |
J_There are at least three nouns ending in fe, however, the
plural of nouns is formed by adding ‘-s’ to the singular; as:- Safe —
Safes; Strife — Strifes; Fife — Fifes.
K_Some nouns take both forms; as:-
Hoof—hoofs, hooves; Scarf—scarfs, scarves; Staff—staffs, staves; Wharf—wharfs,
L_The following words form the plural by
a change in the inside vowels; as:-
Singular |
Plural |
Singular |
Plural |
Dormouse |
Dormice |
Man |
Men |
Foot |
Feet |
Mouse |
Mice |
Goose |
Geese |
Tooth |
Teeth |
Louse |
Lice |
Woman |
Women |
M_A few words form the plural either by altering inside vowels
or by adding ‘–en’ or ‘-ne’ to the singular; as:- Ox — oxen; Child — children; Cow — cows or kine; Brother — brothers or brothern.
N_Compound Nouns form their Plural by
adding ‘–s’ to the principal word; as:-
Singular |
Plural |
Singular |
Plural |
Hanger-on |
Hangers-on |
Passer-by |
Passers-by |
Looker-on |
Lookers-on |
Son-in-law |
Sons-in-law |
Maidservant |
Maidservants |
Spendthrift |
Spendthrifts |
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