


Story is an account of imaginary or past events, history of a person or institution etc., narrative or plot of a novel, play, etc., facts or experiences worthy of narration. 

A Story is a Narrative Essay whether it is real or imaginary. It may be a tale or an anecdote.


Internal environment of a story as main point, there are two types of story : 1. Imaginary story and 2. Factual story.

(1)     Imaginary Story:- There is a sequence of fantastic events in it.

(2)     Factual Story:- There is a sequence of authentic events in it.


Story-writing is an art of writing anecdote. There is a narration of sequence of an event or sequence of events in a story.  Its object is to present a sequence of real or unreal events in reliable way.  Chronicles convert writing into a story at a time; they pose to be a carrier of thought and consciousness. For this purpose, suggested outline is as follows:-

1.  For an Historical Event

i.   Introduction─ Date, Place, People, Occasion.

ii.  Circumstances, Incidents.

iii. Results.

iv. Reflections and Conclusions.

2.  For a Biography

i.   Introduction─ Early life, Parentage, Surroundings, Education.

ii.  Career, Rise to power, Most famous works.

iii. Last years.

iv. Conclusion─ Character, Influence.

3.  For any topic

i.   Introduction.

ii.  Explanation of the subject.

iii. Effect.

iv. Results─ good or bad.

v.  Concluding remarks.


A good story has some specific features :-

1.  Pleasant appearance :- A story should be written in good manner keeping rules of grammar in view. Syntax and the choice of words should be made very carefully.

2.  Proper selection of the subject :- The topic should not have a glimpse of artificiality. It should be chosen after getting sufficient and proper information relating to it.

3.  Proper selection of the Characters :- All the characters of the story should seem to be real. Let no character be superfluous, deficient or absurd, as a story depends on its characters.

4.  Planning :- Four steps should respectively be implemented in planning : think about story, arrange your thoughts, write down the well-organized thoughts and revise it to edit the writing.

5.  Proportion :- There are three parts of a story : A beginning, a middle and an end. Lay emphasis on each part after dividing into paragraphs. Introduction in the beginning of the story and conclusion at the end brief but complete and appropriate.

6.  Perspicuity :-  Superfluity and exaggeration often deviate the attention from main topic. Therefore examine your ideas before you write.  They should have simplicity, brevity and precision.

7.  Persuasiveness :- The story should have ability to create attractiveness and exert impression. The reader must be influenced with the thoughts of the writer; only then the purpose of writing a story meets its end.


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