

Essay is a short piece of writing on a given subject. There is an expression of personal ideas or thoughts of a person on a subject in it.


At the time of writing an essay, the following points should be kept in view :-

1.  Pleasant appearance :- Keeping the rules of grammar in mind, the essay should be written in a good manner.

2.  Proper selection of the subject :- The subject should be selected only when we have sufficient and proper information relating to it. Prefer the most appropriate. First of all collect the work material. Begin by writing down all your ideas on the given subject in the form of brief notes. These ideas on the subject may be had by asking yourself a sequence of questions. When sufficient stock of ideas is accumulated, retrench it. Choose which is really important. Keep in mind that no idea should be repeated.

3.  Planning :- Implement four steps in planning: think, arrange, write and revise. Keep the stock of your ideas in an order according to a definite plan. Your ideas will be separated into definite divisions. Every one of these divisions will make a paragraph. A brief outline should be made under the main heads before beginning writing the essay, in which your ideas is to be put in order. Make your collected ideas in order in each main head. In this way, unimportant ideas will be liable to be rejected. Be careful that each idea really relates to the main head under which it falls. Do not think longer; immediately put down your ideas. Revise it to correct.

4.  Proportion :- There is a beginning, a middle and an end in an essay. Exert proper emphasis on every part after dividing the essay into paragraphs. Keep a paragraph under every main head. In this way, you will able to keep four-five essays in an essay. As far as possible, try to indicate relation of a paragraph with other. Keep to right point. Look whether every detail is present in its correct position. Keep in view the following points in your paragraph :-   

i.   The paragraph must fall under only one main head.

ii. There should be small and big paragraphs. They should be of different length.

iii. Keep in mind that first and the last paragraph should attract. First sentence generally expresses the topic and the last states the sum up.

iv. There must be a logical sequence of thought in each paragraph. They should be kept in order according to their importance or order.

v. There should a relationship among all the paragraphs in a proper way according to the directions of the plan.

5.  Perspicuity :- It means simplicity, brevity and precision. Assess your ideas before you write. Write in simple language. Be lucid and clear.

6.  Persuasiveness :- The essay should be attractive and impressive. It should be not stale but fresh, not trite but original, not wooden but lively and imaginative, not monotonous but varied, not spineless but vigorous, and not faded but vivid.


Generally an essay is divided into three parts :-

1.  The Introduction :- In a small essay, it should be very brief. It should not be bigger than the body of the essay. There is generally a very small paragraph in it. But it should always be attractive and interesting. Definition or expression of title is given in the introduction. Sometimes it may include a summary or general remark concerning the topic given in it.

2.  The Body of the Essay :- It is the main part of the Essay. It contains facts, illustrations and the reflections of the writer on the given topic. At this point, you should follow your outline finely. The paragraphs should be constructed well. The proper relation of one paragraph with other should be expressed. Always keep to the point.

3.  The Conclusion: - Like beginning, the end should also be short and striking. It should be natural. Be careful that the essay should not come to an end abruptly. A simple sentence, many a times, if expressed properly, represents a good end. A suitable way to end an essay is convey a brief summary of thought contained in the mid of the essay. 

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