


Drama is the presentation of a story as a play for stage, broadcasting or telecasting. Drama-writing is an art to write this play. It develops communication skills. Drama is a composition prose intended to portray life or character or to tell a story usually involving conflict and emotions through action and dialogue and it is typically designed for theatrical performance.


Keeping Dramatist’s standpoint towards life or internal environment of drama in view, there are kinds of drama: 1. Comedy and 2. Tragedy.

(1)   Comedy: - It has a happiest end.

(2)   Tragedy: - Its end is full of pain.


There are some specific rules of drama-writing :-

1.  Proper selection of the subject: - There should not be a glimpse of artificiality in the subject of drama. The subject should be selected only when you have got complete and proper information concerning it. A drama is based on a story.

2.  Planning: - The outline of a drama is called plot. Four steps should sincerely be followed in its planning: think about drama, arrange your thoughts, write the ordered thoughts and revise to edit the text.

3.  Plot: - The foundation of a drama is the plot. It is the interrelationship among main events in the drama. A successful Play-Wright creates a curiosity in the drama and carry it towards its object.

4.  Proper selection of the Characters: - A drama has its characters to carry on it. All the characters of the drama should look real. Drama depends on its characters. No character should be superfluous, deficient or absurd. Characters have emotions mainly laugh, love, fear or boldness.

5.  Perspicuity: - Examine your thoughts before writing, as Superfluity and exaggeration often deviate the attention from main topic. Therefore they should have simplicity, brevity and precision.

6.  Dialogues: - The mean of drama is the conversation. Its dialogues must be to the point, real and according to scene. The characters make conversation with others as they have some objects. The words of conversation should be suitable to the personality of the character.

7.  Proportion: - There are three parts of a drama: a beginning, a middle and an end. Stress each part properly after dividing the drama into acts.

8.  Pleasant appearance:- Keeping the rules of grammar in view, the drama should be written in a good style. Syntax and choice of words should be made very carefully.

9.  Persuasiveness: - The drama should be able to create attractiveness and exert impression. Audience should be impressed with the thoughts of the playwright, only then the object of writing a drama is achieved.

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