


According to the nature of essays, they are classified into the following categories :-

1. Narrative Essays :- An event or a series of events  is narrated in them. Their purpose is to present the series of real or imaginary events in a reliable way. Suggested outline for them is as follows :-

     For an Historical Event

i.   Introduction─ Date, Place, People, Occasion.

ii.  Circumstances, Incidents.

iii. Results.

iv  Reflections and Conclusions.

     For a Biography

i.   Introduction─ Early life, Parentage, Surroundings, Education.

ii.  Career, Rise to power, Most famous works.

iii. Last years.

iv. Conclusion─ Character, Influence.

2. Descriptive Essays :- They may contain a description of a person, place or thing in them. Their purpose is to present a picture. Suggested outline for them is as follows :-

     For Animals, Plants etc.

i.   Introduction─ kind (class, order, species), Origin.

ii.  Characteristics─ qualities, habits, appearance.

iii. How produced or obtained.

iv. Relation to man and nature (useful, attractive, harmful, etc.)

v.  Concluding remarks.  

     For Peoples

i.   Introduction─ A first glimpse.

ii.  Physical description.

iii. Characterization by (1) incident, (2) inference (from surroundings, gestures, voice, what the person says, does and think, what others say, do and think about him).

iv. Conclusion, Reflection.

     For  Places

i.   Introduction─ General Impression, Position, Size.

ii.  History.

iii. Buildings of particular interest.

iv. Industries.

v.  Special features.

vi. Concluding remarks.  

3.  Reflective Essays :- They may include such views or reflections as are generally of abstract nature. Their purpose is to express personal views. Suggested outline for them is as follows :-

  For any topic

i.   Introduction─ Definition or explanation.

ii.  Working and development of theme.

iii. Value.

iv. Effect.

v.  Concluding remarks.  

4.  Expository Essays :- They hold explanation of a topic. Their purpose is to shed light on the meaning.  Suggested outline for them is as follows :-

     For any topic

i.   Introduction─ Definition.

ii.  History.

iii. Explanation of the subject.

iv. Results- good or bad.

v.  Concluding remarks.  

5.  Imaginative Essays :- An imagination plays a free role in them. Tier purpose is to express an imagination into words. Suggested outline for them is as follows :-

     For any topic

i.   Introduction.

ii.  Explanation of the subject.                                                        

iii. Effect.

iv. Results─ good or bad.

v.  Concluding remarks.  

6. Argumentative Essays :- A topic relating to debate is given in them, and they are often set up in the form of a question or quotation.  Suggested outline for them is as follows :-

     For any topic

i.   Introduction─ stating case.

ii.  Pro. Scoring point, Reason one.

iii. Pro. Reason two, three or more.

iv. Contra. Scoring point and reason one.

v.  Contra. Reasons two, three or more.

vi.  Summary, Balance and Appeal.  

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