

Cue cards, also known as note cards, are cards with words written on them that help actors and speakers remember what they have to say. It is a card that can be seen by someone (such as an actor) who is performing or speaking on a stage or on television and that shows the words that the person is supposed to say.

How to make cue cards

You need a packet of standard index cards, a selection of highlighters, (for example, yellow, pink, blue and green), and an easily-read pen. I suggest using one with either blue or black ink. Making cue cards from standard office supply index or note cards (like those in the photograph) is relatively easy. Using them well will lift the quality of your presentation immeasurably.

Why? The answer is simple. Because you are not relying on, and reading from, a word-for-word text, you are free to interact with your audience. You are able to make eye contact, respond, gesture and move freely. You will sound, look and feel more present; "in the moment". Your entire delivery is enlivened.  Give yourself time to thoroughly rehearse. You'll be delighted with the result.

Writing up your cue cards

Each segment of your speech, from its introduction to conclusion, should be reducible to a key word or phrase that will act as a prompt triggering your memory for what it was you wanted to say. Go through your outline marking each of them. A good way to identify them is to remember the paragraphing structure that you use in written prose. A new thought or idea takes a new paragraph. In writing note cards a new idea or thought equals a new card.

The best (most useful) cue cards have ONE main heading or idea per card, are written clearly using larger than usual font (so you can read them easily), have plenty of white space around each word or phrase to help them stand out, use bullet points or numbers to itemize the supporting ideas under the main heading, are written on ONE side of the card only, are clearly numbered so that you know the order they come in and/or they may even be tied together, are color-coded to show your main idea, supporting ideas, examples and transitions or links. If you find you're going over you can adjust by leaving out an extra example or conversely if you're under time, you can add one in.

Preparing your speech for cue cards

Once you have the length right for your time allowance, if possible get other people to listen to you. Have them give you feedback on content, structure and delivery; paying particular attention to the introduction and the close. When you're satisfied you have your speech as you want it, you're ready to prepare it for cue cards.


You should say:
1.  Who he/she was
2.  Where you met him/her
3.  What was special about him/her
And explain why this person was interesting.

Well, I love to meet new people. Today, I would like to talk about a charismatic person I met a year ago. Last year I was going to Amritsar by train for an official meeting. On the way, a young lady boarded the train from a small railway station. She occupied the seat in front of me. Very soon we started talking about our hobbies, studies and work etc. Her name was Nitika Walia. She was a second-year student of Punjab Technical University. One particular thing which made her quite special was her high confidence level. Normally, girls don’t travel alone in my country. In most cases, they are accompanied by their parents or some other family member. But, since she was on her own, that clearly reflected her boldness. I found this girl very interesting. Her in-depth knowledge of latest technology and space science made me re-think about my opinion about females. I used to think that Indian women are only interested in fashion. Science is not their cup of tea. But, this meeting was a real mind-changer. She helped open my eyes towards the common attitude of ignorance males have towards females regarding their intelligence. Now, I fully understand that women have the potential to succeed in any field.





According to nature of the paragraphs, they are classified in the following categories:-

(1) Narrative Paragraphs: - An event or a series of events  is narrated in them. Their purpose is to present the series of real or imaginary events in a reliable way.

A Holiday Excursion

Our annual examination was over. We were free. My friend suggested a trip on bicycles. We decided to cycle to the Holy Golden Temple and back. We set off in high spirits early in the morning. We carried with us baskets of fruit, sweets, pastries and cakes. We soon got away from the noisy streets and smoky town. It was spring time. On either side of the road stretched fields of ripe corn, lit up by the bright sunshine and standing ready for harvest. Soon we reached the Holy Golden Temple. It was worth seeing. Its dome and roof were covered with gold. They glittered and shone very brightly in the sun. The worshippers were reciting sacred hymns. We were highly excited to look at such an extraordinary view.

(2) Descriptive Paragraphs: - They may contain a description of a person, place or thing in them. Their purpose is to present a picture.

A Good Neighbour

A good neighbour is a fortunate thing. I am lucky enough to have one such neighbour. He is always ready to forgo his comfort for the sake of others. His grown-up experience is at all times there to guide everyone whenever one stands in need of it. He is never found deficient whenever anyone needs his advice or help. He is a compassionate and sensitive man. He is the most generous man I have ever seen. I seek advice from him in all significant matters. He is a source of great strength and relief to me whenever I feel unhappy. He is so kind and good to everyone that I occasionally feel that life would not be a pleasure without him. He is very gentle and friendly that he has nearly become a member of my family. Such a neighbour is, without a doubt, a great blessing in life.

(3) Reflective Paragraphs: - They may include such views or reflections as are generally of abstract nature. Their purpose is to express personal views.

Union is Strength

It is an admitted fact that unity is strength whereas disunity is weakness. A united family, a united society and a united country are strong. However, those who are divided or split up into factions or groups are all feeble. In case of a football or hockey team, if the members of a team play as one in co-operation with one-another, they will form a strong group. On the other hand, if such members play their own game, they will certainly be beaten up. How strong the individual player may be. Similarly, if a political party is strong, it can defend against the attacks of the opposition as long as all the members of the party speak with one voice. In the same way, an army must fight as one man to win a battle.

(4) Expository Paragraphs: - They hold explanation of a topic. Their purpose is to shed light on the meaning. 

Kindness to Animals

Making kindness and justice to animals is an essential part of human virtue. Animals also claim our love and sympathy, not only because they are dumb and helpless but also because they are so useful to us. Cruelty to animals hardens our heart and creates in us a callous and unsympathetic nature which is a great penalty to human race. Even in the age of mechanical civilization, we cannot do without them. Kindness to animals is rewarded by God. We must practise kindness to animals. We can show our kindness to them by providing domestic and agricultural animals with proper food, water and shelter. We can send them to veterinary hospital when they are ill. We can report the cases of cruelty to animals to the nearest police station and thus bringing the offenders to book. We must discourage hunting for mere sport and wanton slaughter of animals for food. It is our moral duty to treat dumb animals with kindness and sympathy, especially when they are helpless and wholly dependent on our care and protection.

(5) Imaginative Paragraphs: - An imagination plays a free role in them. Their purpose is to express an imagination into words.

If I were a Dictator

If I were a Dictator, I would have been not only an omnipotent person in any sphere but also an unelected omnipotent ruler. Being a domineering person, I would have got absolute power centralized in my hands. Under such a circumstance, I would have taken the currupt politicians to task who do not care for their country so much as for their selfish ends. I would also have taken the false patriots to task who serve the country to satisfy their own private interests. I would not have tolerated that abuses should flourish in my country because I love her more than anything else. The policy of a dictator is to be powerful first and anything else afterwards. However, I would have refused to follow the time-honoured maxim, ‘Everything is fair in love and war’. I would have thought a hundred times before involving my country in war. My sincere desire would have been to serve my country in all possible ways because I am proud of my country.



A paragraph is a collection of related sentences dealing with a single topic. Paragraph is a distinct section of a piece of writing, beginning on a new often indented line. A sentence holds a single thought in it, similarly, a paragraph has a main topic. All the sentences in a paragraph should be collected in such a way as they develop the main topic.


Like a good sentence, there should be following qualities in a good paragraph:-

i.     Unity

ii.    Order

iii. Variety

1. Unity :- A paragraph must not have more than one main topic. If it holds more main topics, it will be an absurd paragraph. The test of a good paragraph is that its theme may be presented in a sentence which is called topic-sentence. Therefore, a good paragraph is an essay in itself which can be given a title.

2. Order :- In a good paragraph, ideas should always be presented in a clear and logical order. The events should be given in the order of their occurrence. All ideas must be connected to the main thought and they should be in accordance of their importance or order.

3. Variety :- At last, a good paragraph should include both small and big sentences. It should contain sentences of different length and different make in it.


The following points should be kept in mind for writing a good paragraph :-

1.  Think out the points upon which you wish to write :- For getting such points, make questions about the topic and think of their answers. Their answers will help you to develop the points

2. Having got the points, arrange them in proper order: - Important points should be discussed first, and secondary later on.

3. Do not deal with more than one main theme in your paragraph :- All the points must be connected to the main theme.

4. Make the first and last sentences of your paragraph most attractive: - The very first sentence should arise the interest of the reader, and the last one satisfies it. A smaller sentence, quite suitable, makes a good beginning.

5. Make your sentences short and varied in length :- Keep in mind that each sentence you write should be clear and complete.

6. Revise what you have written :-Remove all mistakes in spelling, grammar and punctuation etc. Make sure that your paragraph looks like a small essay to read.




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